Your employees are the lifeblood of your organization. Without a strong and committed team, even the most successful businesses would quickly fail. Good employee relations are crucial so your employees can feel happy and comfortable in their positions. The challenge to management is the amount of time and energy necessary to address each of your employee’s issues quickly without your managers becoming overwhelmed.
The relationship between managers and employees varies tremendously from one company to another. In some companies, it is built on mutual respect, a shared vision, and trust; in others, it is dominated by fear and a lack of transparency or a clear sense of direction. At all points along this spectrum, there are qualitative and quantitative consequences from how employees have been treated over time in any given organization. Organizations who consistently have employee problems are less likely to perform at peak performance, compared with employees working in a positive environment who are more engaged and productive. The more positive employees feel about their company, the more likely it is they will choose to remain and grow at the company.