Employee payrolling can give your company the best of both worlds: accessing the talent and dedication of a meticulously recruited employee while avoiding the time, expense, and potential legal headaches of being their “employer of record.” If you choose to use our payrolling services HR Forever will become your employee’s “employer of record” while they work on a day-to-day basis as if they were one of your “regular” employees.
There are many benefits to employee payrolling through a third party like HR Forever rather than hiring them directly. Many companies enjoy the flexibility of using a temporary or on-demand workforce, enabling them to quickly adjust to changing market conditions. However, much of employment law and regulations are not written with these sorts of arrangements in mind, making it difficult to properly classify and administer all of the payroll responsibilities for these employees in-house. If you use HR Forever to provide payrolling services to your organization we can step in and assume all of the employer responsibilities such as government mandated compliance, workers’ compensation insurance, health insurance, and tax withholding for all of your “payrolled” employees.